The Monarch HSG catheters are used for Hysterosalpingography and sonohysterography.
A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an X-ray dye test used to diagnose problems related to fertility. During an HSG, an X-ray records images of your uterine cavity and fallopian tubes while they’re filled with a special dye. An HSG can help your provider spot issues in your reproductive anatomy that may prevent you from getting pregnant. These issues include blocked fallopian tubes and an irregularly shaped uterus.
An HSG can also allow your provider to:
- Check the success of a tubal ligation or tubal reversal: An HSG can show whether a tubal ligation procedure successfully closed your fallopian tubes so that you can’t get pregnant. It can also show if the procedure was successfully reversed.
- Plan for further imaging: An HSG can show irregularities in your uterus (fibroids, abnormal shape) that your provider can use to plan for further imaging, including sonohysterography and hysteroscopy. A sonohysterography can further define the results of an HSG and provide a final diagnosis, while hysteroscopy can treat specific conditions involving your uterus.
Monarch Medical is a leading supplier of HSG catheters in the United States of America and North America.
Our HSG catheters are made of the highest quality material since 2007. The inflatable balloon on our catheters are made of a strong yet soft silicone material.
These silicone balloon HSG catheters provide a softer and leak proof seal that is more comfortable for the patient. Monarch Medical offers a large variety of HSG catheters including 5Fr and 7Fr sizes.
We also have 3 different durometers including a soft sureflex HSG catheter, a less floppy and stiffer Firm HSG catheter as well as our HSG catheter with integrated stylet which is also a shapeable HSG catheter and can be shaped to the anatomical desired curve. Our Firm HSG catheter and HSG catheter wit stylet is designed for the more difficult cases and for patients with a more stenotic cervix.
We have been supplying fertility centers, physicians’ offices, and hospitals with our catheters for over 15 years. With ample HSG catheter in stock/inventory we have not been affected by the latest supply chain issues and ensured that our customer always received on time deliveries.
Monarch offers competitive prices to ensure our customer’s huge annual cost savings. Here is the Link to our HSG Catheter page
We also offer volume discounts on auto or standing orders. Auto orders can be paused anytime the customer wish to do so.
Orders placed with Monarch usually ships the same day and we offer free ground shipping on our website orders. Our HSG catheters are packaged 10 units per box and 12 boxes per case.
We also offer free samples to new customers in case the physician would like to evaluate our HSG catheters before buying them. To order samples please call us at 866-241-1625
Monarch Medical provide excellent customer service and customer support and on time delivery.
Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8AM -5PM eastern standard time